Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Oren Loni is planning a Vacation and Here are His Ideas

Oren Loni Plans a Trip

Vacations for Oren Loni are not taken lightly. In fact, a vacation is a very special time for Oren and he wants to live it up to the fullest. A vacation is a amazing opportunity for him to see new perspectives and enjoy life in a way he doesn't get to when he's living in at home town. Oren Loni created a map (which is like his vision board) and plans to travel to three big cities in North America.

Oren Loni Traveling USA

The U.S.A. is a beautiful country which is filled with so many things to do. Besides pinning the most beautiful hiking trails, North America also offers a place for dreamers like myself. This country is where dreams come true. The three places Oren plans to visit is New York, Miami, and San Francisco. Why did Oren choose these three big cities, compared to so many other cities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, or Atlanta. Oren wants to experience the big apple first and then travel south to Miami and head west to the Tech capital of the world, San Francisco.

Have a look at Oren's map and comment your favorite places to visit.

Oren loni Dream Vacations

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fun Thursday Movie Night with Oren Loni

Oren Loni enjoys Thursday Movie Night

I'm super stoked for tonight's movie night with my girlfriend. I actually have not updated this blog for quite a while and I'm excited to let you all know what tonight's line up of movies will be. I'm actually itching for a romantic comedy with my love, and we will most likely pick a movie from Netflix. There are so many fantastic flicks out, and I'm really desiring something that will make us laugh (and maybe cry).

If you know me by now, you would know that action adventure movies and shows have been my favorite. Here's a little about me and my style of movies. I've been always fascinated with action and drama. If a movie director will sprinkle some future science fiction, then I'm sure it will be one of my top hundred movies to watch. 

Romantic comedies has been a new favorite in the batch of movie selections. My girlfriend actually turned me on with romantic comedies and I've been slowly learning to love this theme as a favorite genre of movies. I've personally noticed that these movie themes help me understand my girlfriend on a deeper level.  I've hand selected 5 romantic comedies to watch, and most likely, my girlfriend and I will watch 2 tonight.

Oren Loni selects Romantic Comedies to Watch

Here's the list of movies to watch: 
  1. I Give It a Year
  2. Love Actually
  3. A Case of You
  4. The Incredible Jessica James
  5. Picture Perfect
I'm not sure what movie my girlfriend and I will choose to watch, but I'm sure it will be a good one. I'm hoping we get to watch Picture Perfect because it stars one of my favorite actresses, Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Bacon. My second movie pick will have to be Love Actually. 

I can't wait to make some popcorn, maybe open a bottle of wine, and enjoy the night with some romantic comedies.

Do you have a favorite romantic comedy that you recommend to watch? Leave me a comment or contact me